Bureau Scanning Services from SOS Systems

For companies that are still archiving data, on or off site, paper and storage can be a problem. It is often costly, whether it is taking up precious floor space, or kept in off site storage. Also, the location and retrieval of manual files is often time-consuming and can be frustrating if the right document cannot be found easily. Our office scanning services could be the answer you are searching for.

SOS Systems offer a Bureau Scanning Service, aimed at helping our clients to make this information more readily available, searchable and secure. For businesses with strict data privacy or compliance obligations, we can provide onsite scanning, so the original documents need never leave the premises. Alternatively, we can collect documents for scanning, with the option to shred or return after digitisation. Our aim to support your business’s digital transformation journey.

We understand the importance of data privacy and confidentiality; that’s why your data remains encrypted throughout every stage of the process. Our expert team uses high quality Canon scanning equipment to ensure even the smallest documents are scanned accurately EG. receipts, payslips etc. Once captured, all of the files are then searchable using our powerful OCR engine. This process and attention to detail are in place to give you peace of mind that your information is being handled with the utmost care.


of companies believe digital transformation is a competitive opportunity.

Our flexible service can be configured to suit your specific data storage needs:

  • Scan to SharePoint
  • Scan to encrypted NAS or Hard Drives
  • Scan to Cloud Document Management Software for digital workflow or retrieval
  • Scan to FTP Site

There are also a range of choices in terms of the format, file types and resolution you would like the information presented in.


Once scanned, we can offer a collect and remove shredding service and provide the certification the information has been destroyed safely and securely.


We are IS0 9001 accredited to ensure quality management throughout the process.

How SOS Systems works – and works for your business

Whatever your industry sector, whatever your size and wherever you are located, our expertise lies in understanding, supplying and maintaining the latest print and document management technologies. We work closely with our customers to help support their digital transformation initiatives; delivering improvements in productivity, efficiency and sustainability.


We take the time to meet you and your team. We get to see your challenges, your demands and where you want to take your business.


Once we understand your needs, we can recommend and install a bespoke system precisely designed around your business and your budget.


We are with you as a partner. We will continually monitor and scrutinise, suggest and improve every service and every product we supply you.


Our advanced remote diagnostic service gives us the insight and information to react to issues before they occur, thus reducing downtime.

Talk to one of our consultants now to discover how digital transformation can benefit your business.

Call now on

01293 562525

or email us

Our Clients

Creating, establishing and growing good relationships with our clients is everything to us. We get to understand and appreciate your business so we can tailor exactly the right solution. That way we work with you, not just for you.

‘The hardware and software they are selling you could get anywhere, but the reason to use SOS Systems is the knowledge and level of support that we really get value from.’

James Chandler, Customer

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